13-19 September 2015
Gibralter Island, Lake Erie, USA
A training school focused on exploring glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modeling was held from 13-19 September 2015 at the Ohio State University's Stone Laboratory on Gibralter Island, Lake Erie. The school was aimed at early-stage researchers from a wide range of backgrounds. Participants were given intensive training on GIA modeling and relevant processes, including ice mass change, solid-earth deformation, and sea-level and geoid variations. An introduction to the fundamentals of GIA modeling, including model inputs, methods, and current state of GIA models was discussed. Students learned about relevant data used to generate, tune, and constrain GIA models, including geologic/geomorphologic and ice core records, GPS, seismic, tide gauge, satellite gravity, and satellite altimetry. The program included both lectures and computer exercises utilizing freely available modeling software, and participants left with an understanding of the theory and development behind GIA modeling as well the practical ability to independently install and run GIA modeling software.
Click a name to open an instructor's page in a new tab.
Mike Bentley | Mike Bevis | Ian Dalziel | Erik Ivins | Giorgio Spada | Holger Steffen | Wouter van der Wal | Pippa Whitehouse | Doug Wiens
Recorded Lectures
All lectures during the 13-19 September Training School were recorded. These recordings include the slides presented as well as audio from each lecturer. Below we have made each recording available for anyone to view by clicking on the url provided.
Click here to download a PDF with all lecture titles and links to watch recorded lectures.
Lecture Session 1: Historical Background – Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (Pippa Whitehouse, Mike Bentley, Holger Steffen)
Lecture Session 2: Introduction to records of GIA and sea level change, static and time-variable gravity (Pippa Whitehouse, Erik Ivins, Holger Steffen)
Lecture Session 3: Introduction to seismology, seismic discontinuities and mapping earth properties (Doug Wiens)
- Lecture: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p6h8p9t0uq9/
- Introduction to SEATREE: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p8iyz5infwj/
Lecture Session 4: Lithosphere: tectonic history of Antarctica and how it can influence earth properties (Ian Dalziel and Terry Wilson)
Lecture Session 5: Basics of GIA modelling techniques (Wouter van der Wal and Giorgio Spada)
Lecture Session 6: Introduction to Computer Exercises (Giorgio Spada)
- SELEN part 1: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p5i5dasrqmp/
- SELEN part 2: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p84fs0iorkn/
- SELEN part 3: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p3uyak7g2q3/
Lecture Session 7: Records used to reconstruct ice sheet history (Mike Bentley)
Lecture Session 8: Generating ice history models (Pippa Whitehouse and Erik Ivins)
Lecture Session 9: Rheology, including lateral variation, interpretation of seismic anomalies (Doug Wiens), results from laboratory experiments and conversion equations (Erik Ivins), and finite-element/finite volume modelling (Wouter van der Wal)
Lecture Session 10: GIA reference frames and comparison of model predictions with GPS data (Mike Bevis)
Lecture Session 11: Using data, and data uncertainties, in evaluating and constraining GIA models (examples from Erik Ivins, Pippa Whitehouse, Mike Bevis, Tonie van Dam)
- Erik, Pippa, Mike: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p95nocjrvui/
- Tonie: http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/p4705y0pe6h/