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Investigating the polar regions from the inside out

Expected Outcomes

  • Measurements of vertical and horizontal solid-earth deformation at mm/yr accuracy, providing first comprehensive view of bedrock motions across polar regions.
  • Prediction of mass fluxes of polar ice sheets, improved models of glacial isostatic adjustment, and better modeling and prediction of sea-level change.
  • First tests of glacial isostatic adjustment models for the Antarctic interior.
  • Integration of geodetic observations with complementary seismic imaging studies.
  • First higher-resolution continental-scale seismic images of the structure and characteristics of the deep earth beneath polar regions.
  • Understanding crustal and mantle dynamics that cause earthquakes and volcanoes, including the nature of links with ice-mass change.
  • Improved understanding of the Earth’s inner core.
  • Improved understanding of secular variation of Earth’s magnetic field, and core structure and dynamics, including quantification of rapid field decrease that may signal a reversal of the Earth’s field.
  • Establish a framework for ongoing international geophysical observation networks.