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Investigating the polar regions from the inside out

Glacial Seismology Training School Agenda

2017 CSU/POLENET/SERCE Glacial Seismology School Agenda 

Instructors:  Rick Aster, Tim Bartholomaus, Fabian Walter, Doug MacAyeal, Paul Winberry, Doug Wiens, Dan McGrath, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Victor Tsai, and Vera Schlindwein

 OSU Leaders:  Terry Wilson, Dave Saddler, Stephanie Sherman


Sunday, June 11

 All day — Arrive; check in.

 6:00 – 8:00 pm Icebreaker with Food and Bar – Long’s Peak Room, Lory Student Center.


Monday, June 12 – HESTF 105 Classroom

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Academic Village)

 Put up Posters in HESTF 105

 Readings:  Podolskiy and Walter, 2016; Aster and Winberry, 2017

 Morning — Rick Aster

 9:00 Welcome, Thanks to Sponsors and Instructors

          - Overview of Agenda
          - Logistics
          - IT Details

 9:30 Introductions

 10:00 Break

 10:20 Class Motivations and Goals

 10:45 Glacial Seismology: A Rapidly Evolving DisciplineRick Aster

 11:45 Break for Lunch

 12:00 – 12:50 Lunch (Academic Village)

 Afternoon —Doug MacAyeal and Dan McGrath

 1:00 Glaciology and Seismology Basics -- Dan McGrath

 2:00 Break

 2:15 Glaciology and Seismology Basics -- Doug MacAyeal

 3:15 Break

 3:25 Walk to MATLAB Computer Classroom (Engineering 205C)

 3:30 MATLAB Linked Activity

 4:45 Return to HESTF 105 for Posters

 5:45 Break for Dinner

 6:00 – 7:00 Dinner (Academic Village)

 ~7:00 - ? Evening Social Gathering Spot -- Black Bottle Brewery (1611 S College Ave).


Tuesday, June 13 -- HESTF 105 Classroom

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Academic Village)

 Morning —  Sridhar Anandakrishnan and Paul Winberry
9:00 - Introduction to Glaciology, Revisited

 9:30 - Introduction to Active Source Seismology

 10:00 Break

 10:20 Bed properties from Active Source Methods

 10:50 Seismic Unix Linked Activity (student laptops)

 11:45 Break for Lunch

 12:00 – 12:50 Lunch (Academic Village)

 Afternoon — Tim Bartholomaus and Victor Tsai

 Readings: Bartholomaus_et al_2015a,b; Bartholomaus et al_2012; Tsai et al., 2012, Tsai et al 2015  

 1:00-1:40 Seismological Observations of Hydrology and Calving – Tim Bartholomaus

1:45-2:30 Mechanics of Hydrology and Calving Relevant for Glacier Seismology – Victor Tsai

 2:30-3:00 Break

 3:00-4:00pm Pencil & Paper Exercises on Glacial Mechanics

 4:00-4:15pm Break

 4:15-5:15pm Python Exercises on Glacier Seismic Signals from Yahtse Glacier (student laptops)

 5:15 Break

 6:00 – 7:00 Dinner (Academic Village)

 ~7:00 - ? Evening Social Gathering Spot – Equinox Brewery (33 Remington St.)


Wednesday, June 14 --HESTF 105 Classroom

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Academic Village)

 Morning —Doug MacAyeal and Doug Wiens

 9:00 GPS for glacial seismologists and Long-period Seismic Signals and Processes on Glaciers -- Doug MacAyeal and Doug Wiens

 10:00-10:20 Break

 10:20 Walk to MATLAB Computer Classroom (Engineering 205C)

 10:30 MATLABLinked Exercise

 12:00 – 12:50 Lunch (Academic Village)

 Afternoon – Paul Winberry and Doug Wiens

 Reading: Pratt et al., 2014

 1:00 Whillans Ice Stream: Using GPS to link glacier dynamics with far-field seismograms - Paul Winberry and Doug Wiens

 1:50 Walk to MATLAB Computer Classroom (Engineering 205C)

 2:00 MATLAB Linked Exercise

 3:30 Afternoon Free and Posters (HESTF 105 Classroom)

 6:00 – 7:00 Dinner (Academic Village)

 ~7:00 - ? Evening Social Gathering Spot – Mayor of Old Town (632 S Mason St).


Thursday, June 15 --HESTF 105 Classroom

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Academic Village)

 Reading: Roeoesli et al., 2016

 Morning —Fabian Walter and Paul Winberry

 9:00-10:00 Stick-slip glacial seismicity - Fabian Walter and Paul Winberry


10:20-12:00 Python Linked Activity (student laptops) - Alpine Stick-slip seismicity

12:00 Pick up to-go Lunches and depart (Academic Village)

 Afternoon –Dan McGrath and Rick Aster

 Readings: Hoffman et al., 2007; Field Trip Guides and Map

 Alpine Glacial Terrain Field Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park – Bring Warm Clothes!

 ~6:00 – 8:15 Dinner at Ed’s Cantina, Estes Park


Friday, June 16 -- HESTF 105 Classroom

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Academic Village)

 Morning —Vera Schlindwein and Rick Aster

 Readings: Martin et al., 2010; MacAyeal et al., 2008; Grob et al., 2011; Laderach and Schlindwein, 2011.

 9:00 Seismology of sea ice, icebergs, and ice shelves -- Vera Schlindwein and Rick Aster

 10:00-10:20 Break

 10:30 Python Linked Activity (student laptops)

 12:00 – 12:50 Lunch (Academic Village)

 Afternoon —All

 1:00 Recap, and General Discussion on Future Motivations, Directions and Science Opportunities in Glacial Seismology Instructor Panel – All Instructors

 2:00 Posters (HESTF 105 Classroom)

 4:30 Take down posters and afternoon free time

 6:00 – 9:00 Catered Finale Dinner in Fort Collins (Wolverine Farm Publick House, 316 Willow Street).


Saturday, June 17

 7:30 – 8:30 Breakfast (Corbett Hall; note change of venue)

 Depart (various times; Academic Village checkout by 10:00 AM)