Follow the below instructions to complete the installation process. To test the installation, students should run a set of test scripts which are available from the file that can be downloaded HERE
For questions or issues with installation, please contact instructor Fabian Walter (
UPDATE for Mac users who have recently updated their OS: A bug has been reported where updating the Mac OS results in a failure of jupyter's automatic opening. A student has provided information on a fix. For more information click HERE
Download Miniconda (Python 3.6 distribution):
Follow installation instructions:
Windows: open a Command Prompt window.
Mac/Linux: Open a terminal. If not already active, enter bash shell. Stay
in bash shell from now on.
> bash
Make sure that conda is in the PATH variable.
Mac/Linux: $ which conda
Windows: > where conda
Install needed packages and put everything into environment called "colorado".
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --add channels obspy
$ conda create --name colorado python=3 obspy numpy scipy pandas jupyter
Activate colorado environment. Note the "(colorado)" prefix in the
bash shell prompt from now on.
$ source activate colorado
Create and enter working directory.
$ mkdir workdir
$ cd workdir
$ unzip
(in Windows right-click on .zip, then "Extract All")
Run installation tests.
Mac/Linux:$ ./
Windows: > python
Note that the following message can be ignored:
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Running the installation test will tell you if all needed packages were
correctly installed. As a final check, a jupyter notebook should open up in
your brower. On Windows, you have to do this final step manually via the
following command:
> jupyter notebook