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Investigating the polar regions from the inside out

Martin Peninsula

Coordinate: S 74.18, W 115.102

Transportation: Twin Otter

Closest operations HUB: 582km to WAIS

GPS Station ID: MRTP

Installed: 2018-2019 season

Former Projects:

Former Names:



Seismic Station ID: MRTP

Installed: 2023-2024 season

Former Projects:

Former Names:

A peninsula about 60 mi long and 20 mi wide that is ice covered except for a few rock outcrops along its margins, located between Getz Ice Shelf and Dotson Ice Shelf on the coast of Marie Byrd Land. Delineated from aerial photographs taken by USN Operation HighJump in January 1947. Named by US-ACAN after Col. Lawrence Martin, USA (Ret.), American geographer and authority on Antarctic exploration with the Library of Congress; member of US-SCAN, 1943-46. (https://data.aad.gov.au/aadc/gaz/scar/display_name.cfm?gaz_id=128493).