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Investigating the polar regions from the inside out

Mt Takahe


Coordinate: S 76.315, W 112.8

Transportation: Twin Otter

Closest operations HUB: 342km to WAIS

GPS Station ID: MTAK

Installed: 2018-2019 season

Former Projects:

Former Names:



Seismic Station ID: MTAK

Installed: 2018-2019 season

Former Projects:

Former Names:

A large, isolated snow-covered mountain (an extinct volcano) standing 40 mi SE of Toney Mountain in Marie Byrd Land. It is roughly circular, 18 mi across, and rises to 3,400 meters. This mountain was probably among those viewed from a distance by Admiral Byrd and other members of the USAS in plane flights from the ship Bear on Feb. 24 and 25, 1940. It was visited in December 1957 by members of the Marie Byrd Land Traverse Party, 1957-58, who applied the name. "Takahe," the Maori name for a flightless, almost extinct New Zealand bird, is the nickname of the U.S. Navy LC-47 aircraft whose crew resupplied the traverse party near this mountain and assisted by providing aerial reconnaissance to locate passable routes (https://data.aad.gov.au/aadc/gaz/scar/display_name.cfm?gaz_id=132452).