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Investigating the polar regions from the inside out

Sharing Science by David Saddler

Ohio State ANET research associate David Saddler visited St. Brendan Elementary School in Hilliard, OH on November 8th. He spoke to 64 3rd grade students about identifying rocks and minerals and the structure of the Earth; a subject they had just learned about in the previous weeks. As a bonus, he also talked about the ANET project, as well as the excitement and challenges that come with research in polar environments. 

Above: David Saddler talks to students from St. Brendan Elementary School in Hilliard, OH.

Above: Students from St. Brendan Elementary School in Hilliard, OH touch a volcanic bomb from Antarctica. Volcanic bombs are larger fragments of lava ejected from a volcano during an eruption. As the warm lava fragments travel through the air, they can transform into aerodynamic forms like the football shape shown here.

Above: Students from St. Brendan Elementary School in Hilliard, OH try on extreme cold weather (ECW) gear during a visit from ANET-POLENET scientist David Saddler (middle).

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