Station ID: TOMO
Coordinate: S 75.8019, W 114.662
Installed: 2011-2012 season
Former Projects:
Former Names:
Transportation: Twin Otter
Closest operations HUB: 407km to WAIS
An elongated snow-covered mountain, 38 mi long and rising to 3,595 m in Richmond Peak, located 35 mi SW of Kohler Range in Marie Byrd Land. The mountain was probably among those viewed from a distance by Admiral Byrd and others of the USAS in plane flights from the ship Bear in February 1940. It was mapped in December 1957 by the oversnow traverse party from Byrd Station to the Sentinel Range, 1957-58, led by C.R. Bentley who proposed the name. Named after George R. Toney, scientific leader at Byrd Station in 1957, a participant in several Antarctic and Arctic operations, serving in both field and administrative capacities (